Sunday, April 17, 2011

Decorative Grass vs. Cat

This weekend allowed for some excellent garden plant searching time. Friday, I traveled to three different vendors finding the perfect petite flowers to complement my veggie garden on the porch. Sadly, the weather changed from the sunny 70's to rainy and windy 50's. Because of this, I moved my new additions inside to wait for warmer weather. (Luckily, I am transplanting my seeds so they need not suffer the chilly early spring!) Anyway, the point of this story is that my curious, devious cat is always on the lookout for a good hearty meal. He found my decorative grass and grazed while I soundly slept not more than 10 feet away. Luckily, I find him to be absolutely adorable and can forgive him any trouble he may cause. Notice the "trimmed" leaves on the left side of the pot.

On another note, my sprouting seeds are coming along nicely. The green beans seem to have shot up over night while my tomato is being very shy. I have moved the beans, lettuce, and cucumber out of the plastic bag so as not to hinder the growth of the stems. Hopefully, I will be able to start moving the seedlings into their permanent home (my buckets) this week but it all depends on the weather. Clockwise from the very left: cucumber, lettuce, and two green bean plants.

After further research, I have also decided to not transplant the carrot seeds to the bucket because I don't want to chance damaging the roots. So for now, I won't have any updates on them, at least not until I move the other plants to the containers for the porch.

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